Letter to CMA regarding recently announced changes to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) programs and services. CHLA/ABSC with Support from SAHLA, OVHLA, THLA, SHLA, HLABC, NAHLA, MAHIP, and WWDHLN. (03/2023)
Recognizing Librarians and Information Professionals as Authors on Evidence Synthesis Publications. Joint MLA & CHLA/ABSC Statement. (11/2022)
MLA Statement Calling on Hospital and Health System Executives to Support Libraries and Library Staff. Co-signed by CHLA/ABSC, American Nurses Credentialing Center, AAHSL, and SLA. (01/2022)
La contribution des professionnelles de l’information du milieu de la santé et des services sociaux à la gestion de la crise sanitaire saluée par la CBPQ, La FMD, la FMD 3S et l’ABSC. (05/2021)
Statement on the Importance of Hospital Libraries: A statement by CHLA/ABSC with support from MLA, ACMQ, CBPQ, HLABC, MAHIP, NAHLA, OVHLA, SHLA, SAHLA, and THLA. (05/2021)
International health library associations urge the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to seek information specialists as peer reviewers for knowledge synthesis publications: Joint letter by CHLA/ABSC, EAHIL, ALIA HLA, and MLA. (06/2020)
NAHLA Land Acknowledgement, Template for Personalization, Definitions, and Speaker Protocol: Courtesy of Northern Alberta Health Libraries Association. (06/2019)
Letters of Support and Endorsements: